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rescue &



Rescue and Response is a pan-London service that supports London young people aged up to 25 who are involved in or affected by county lines activity.



The service is delivered in partnership by:


The service is funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). For more information, please click here to visit the Mayor’s website.


The Rescue and Response programme provides a range of services and resources:


  • 1:1 support for young people exploited in London

  • Specialist support for young women 

  • Help to manage risk and safeguarding

  • Support to move away from county lines and experiences of criminal exploitation and harm

  • Gender mainstreaming and consultations for professionals and teams

  • Awareness-raising training on county lines


What Do Young Women Get?


Young women get a dedicated Abianda practitioner who will meet with them weekly (or more if needed). They also get access to all other aspects of the Rescue and Response provision (detailed above) if this is useful for her support and in our efforts to keep her safe.
















Advocacy and Better Connection to Services


The primary focus of our work with young women in this service is to:

  • reduce involvement in or impact of county lines

  • decrease risk in young women's lives as a result of the impact of county lines, and increase stability

  • reduce the levels of harm that a young woman experiences in this context

  • establish an effective local professional network around the young woman who will provide ongoing support when Abianda steps away


Abianda practitioners will work shoulder-to-shoulder with young women to provide rights-based advocacy support.


We will support the young woman to access services, assessments, resources and support that she is entitled to, in order to bring about stability in her life, reduce harm and ensure that the young woman can continue to progress in her life positively and healthily.


We support young women to have their voices heard amongst the professional network that may be orbiting them, to ensure they are better connected with these services and that they are able to influence the decisions that affect their lives.


We challenge oppressive practice, hold services to account, and work tirelessly to ensure that young women’s safety and developmental needs are met.


Many young women referred into Rescue and Response do not have a professional network around them initially, or relationships can be fragile. We support young women and the professional network to work constructively together and to ensure that the young woman is an active agent in the safeguarding and change process around her.

​Structured Programme of Work

The service includes a 12-15 session structured programme of work, exploring some of the following themes:

  • healthy and unhealthy relationships

  • sexual violence, exploitation and other violence against women and girls (VAWG) issues in the context of 'gangs'

  • anger, power and harm

  • identity and equality

  • trauma

  • risk for young women affected by gangs, county lines, peer-on-peer violence 

  • safety planning


Young women benefit from our solution-focused and strengths-based model of practice. We support them to develop their critical thinking on these themes, and their skills to navigate risks, move closer to their desired outcomes and create the changes they want to see in their lives.


To refer into this service please click here to access the online referral form.

To contact the Rescue and Response team directly, you can email:


Referral Criteria


  1. Aged up to 25

  2. London based 

One or more of the following:

  • Known, or suspected, involvement in county lines activity 

  • Known or suspected association with others who are involved in county lines activity or being coerced and controlled

  • Known, or suspected, experiences of CSE, sexual violence and/or coercion, control or victimisation in the context of county lines and/or 'gang' activity

  • Missing episodes suspected to be linked to any of the above


 To discuss any possible referrals, or enquire about support from the programme, please call 0208 937 5765.


Please note, if referring to Rescue and Response:

  • Referrers should also make a referral to borough safeguarding teams, if no social care involvement

  • Inform professionals involved with the young person of the referral to Rescue and Response 


2022 Strategic Assessment

In the project's fourth year, Rescue and Response has released the strategic assessment for 2022. It includes a spotlight on young women and girls including observations and learning shared by the Abianda Rescue and Response team, 


Please click here to read the full assessment. 


2021 Strategic Assessment

In the project's third year, Rescue and Response has released the strategic assessment for 2021. It includes strategic findings and recommendations, referral and outcome data and a spotlight on young women and girls. 


Please click here to read the full assessment. 
















SA 2021
R&R Strategic Assessment Practitioner Quote.png
R&R recommendations.png
SA 2022
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