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training for
As well as in-house training, we deliver sessions for individuals. If just one or two members of your team need to grow their knowledge and understanding of young women and criminal exploitation, this option is for you.
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105 British pounds
What? 3-hour Working with Young Women and Girls Affected by 'Gangs' and County Lines module
When? Monday 4 September, 10am - 1pm
You can book your training session and pay via credit/debit card via our website using the link above. If you'd like us to raise an invoice for you instead, please complete this booking form and follow the instructions to return it to us. ​If you would like to be kept informed about our upcoming training for individuals, please contact leanda[at]
Please note that we reserve the right to cancel the session if fewer than 10 people sign up. You will be notified of this change a week in advance. If you would like to refund your ticket for any reason, we will deduct any charges from our payment platform plus admin fees. Notification must be given at least 7 days before the event.

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