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Abianda's New Radicals Award

We are delighted to be on 2016’s list of New Radicals!

The 50 New Radicals is a bi-annual award run by Nesta and the Observer newspaper. It identifies 50 “trail-blazers in the public good” – people or organisations across the UK who are “change-makers, offering us a glimpse of a different, better society… with the potential to transform the lives of millions of people”.

We are very pleased to have been identified as one of the 50 New Radicals and to have our unique work with gang-affected young women recognised. Of course the real ‘trailblazers’ are the young women we work with – they are the ones taking control and making the changes in their lives; Our Young Trainers are the ones who are changing the way future services are delivered to gang-affected young women.

You can read about us in the media in The Guardian or at the Nesta website.

Thank you to all our funders and partners who have supported us through these early years of development. Our ongoing partnership with LB Islington and our colleagues in the Integrated Gangs Team has been invaluable in developing and refining our model of practice and reaching young women; our work with the University of Bedfordshire’s International Centre: Researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking, has allowed us to be part of pioneering participation work with young people and professionals across Europe; funding from the London Community Foundation and Islington Giving has allowed us to continue delivering specialist services for gang-affected young women, provide professional and paid opportunities for our Young Trainers and to ensure that young women are steering the development of Abianda into the future. The School for Social Entrepreneurs has provided business support as well as access to a phenomenal network of fellow social entrepreneurs who are all changing the world in some way! Thank you!


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