On 11 October, our Contextual Safeguarding Lead Fiona attended a session at Marcus Lipton Youth Club to discuss Lambeth's Borough Plan. This session focused on 'Reimagining 2030' in relation to safety, particularly with regard to young people and violence against women and girls.
We were really pleased to see that the session utilised a solution-focused approach. We were asked questions like "If our hopes for a Lambeth of 2030 all came true, what would be different? The same? How would we feel?" We use the same method when working alongside young women affected by 'gangs' and county lines exploitation.
We welcomed this session taking place & look forward to seeing the development of the Borough Plan. We offer support to young women in Lambeth through our Rescue and Response service. We also offer case consultations with our Gender Consultant and Contextual Safeguarding Lead.